Featuring Gisèle Trudel (UQAM, MÉDIANE Chair along with Stéphane Claude, research team collaborator) in conversation with respondent Damon Matthews (Geography, Planning and the Environment, Concordia and LEADS PI). Amphitheatre B104 of the Centre for Biodiversity.
MÉDIANE (2020-2025), led by artist and professor Gisèle Trudel (Ph.D.) and her teams, artistically explores data from the Smartforests research program led at UQAM by forest ecologist Daniel Kneeshaw, a pan-Canadian scientific network documenting the effects of climate variations on the country’s waters, soils and forests.
The Chair develops “relational zones” for artists, scientists and publics to experience and discuss the phenomenon of changing climates. MÉDIANE proposes a series of activities: an annual art installation in public space, a mobile climate station with bicycle, satellite activities, semi-directed interviews with publics, communications, articles and publications, both in print and on the Web.
The Chair gratefully acknowledges financial and logistical support from the SSHRC, the CFI, the FRQSC and Hexagram-UQAM. The Chair is a member of Pôle sur la ville résiliente, UQAM.
Damon Matthews holds a PhD in climate science from the University of Victoria, is a member of the College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists of the Royal Society of Canada, and a Fellow of the 2022 cohort of the Earth Leadership Program. He has published more than one hundred research papers on topics ranging from quantifying the remaining carbon budget to assessing equitable approaches to allocate emission allowances to individual countries. He is internationally recognized for his work in policy-relevant climate science, as well as for initiatives such as the Climate Clock that use digital visualization and web-based technologies to motivate and accelerate climate action. Damon is the Scientific co-Director of Sustainability in the Digital Age, and directs the NSERC CREATE in Leadership in Environmental and Digital Innovation for Sustainability (LEADS) program, which aims to train graduate student researchers at the intersection of sustainability science and digital innovation.
Instagram @medianeforestsensing
All presentations will take place in the Amphitheatre (room # B104) of the Centre for Biodiversity.
Zoom link for Saturday to attend remotely:
Meeting ID: 872 7524 4560
Passcode: 422567
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