Tag: conference

Colloque Cybercorporéités: Subjectivités Nomades en Contexte Numérique

IMAGE: Generativity 2016, Installation: Nanda D’Agostino Corps collectif: Isabelle Choinière. Crédit Photo: Brian Foulkes


Thursday 27 September 2018, 09:30 –  Saturday 29 September 2018, 17:00

DR-200, Pavillon Athanase-David, UQAM, 1430 rue Saint-Denis, Montréal



On Friday September 28, 2018 as part of the Colloque Cybercorporéités: Subjectivités Nomades en Contexte Numérique, Elastic Spaces’ Leila Sujir and Paul Landon will be presenting their research Elastic spaces: archaeologies and practices of image, space and body The talk will take place from 10:30am to 11:00 am as part of the “De la relation au corps interface vers une expérience de cybercorporéité” séance.

Présentation du colloque

Ce colloque bilingue présente des réflexions sur la reconfiguration des identités et la transformation des expériences subjectives à l’ère du numérique. Abondamment documentée et commentée depuis le milieu des années quatre-vingt-dix, la série d’innovations techniques qui a fait que nous vivons maintenant à l’ère du numérique a eu pour conséquence un important changement de paradigme quant aux régimes de corporéité de nos sociétés. La corporéité étant un mode d’être, c’est un état de corps qui ne peut plus être référé à sa seule réalité biologique. À l’ère du numérique, elle devient une réalité en transformation, mobile, instable, faite de réseaux d’intensités et de forces, contraignant le corps à se reconfigurer, à se réorganiser et à devenir autre dans son contact avec la technologie.

Le programme du colloque se déroule autour de quatre axes transdisciplinaires en interrelation. Le corps figure  désigne la représentation et mise en scène du corps et de sa relation aux technologies numériques dans les fictions littéraires, les arts médiatiques et arts vivants. Le corps interface interroge la relation du corps avec les dispositifs interactifs ainsi qu’avec les environnements immersifs, et pose la question du rôle que le corps en mutation joue en tant qu’interface lorsqu’il est en contact sensori-perceptuel avec la technologie. Le corps savoir désigne la valeur épistémologique et critique des matérialités numériques et prend sa source dans l’idée que les outils du Web participatif et sémantique transforment les pratiques de la recherche. Le corps sensible et somatique interroge des enjeux émergents, tant au niveau pratique que théorique, dans le contexte des nouvelles scènes performatives contemporaines intégrant la technologie. D’ordre multisensoriel et multimodal, ces pratiques exigent des chercheurs une réévaluation de cette relation du corps sensible/somatique à la technologie.

For more information on the Colloquium check out the link below:


Festival International du Film Canada Chine: Entertainment Technology Summit and Exhibition

As part of the 3rd Edition of Festival International du film Canada Chine this  September 21- 27th  2018, we are happy to announce that Elastic Space´s Leila Sujir and Santiago Tavera will be giving a talk on September 27th as part of the Entertainment Technology Summit and Exhibition.

Where: Salon Crystal, Salles de bal Le Windsor, 1170, rue Peel, Bureau 110, Montreal, Quebec, H3B 4P2

When: September 27th, 2018 at 1:00pm


For more information check out the link below:


GALA 2018

GALA  – July 23–30, 2018

This July 23- 30th Concordia University is pleased to host both a conference and an International Graduate Summer School in partnership with GALA.

The Global Academy of Liberal Arts (GALA) is a select international community of institutions, faculties, programmes, and research centres that seeks to develop new kinds of research and teaching collaboration, to support enhanced international mobility among staff and students, and to reimagine liberal arts education for the twenty-first century.

This event will be featuring three of our Elastic Spaces members, Anthony Head, Gary Sangster, and Leila Sujir.


July 27

11:00 – 12:30 – Sensations, Spaces, and Spectacles: Shaping Experience for Audiences, Now and in the Future – Gary Sangster (Bath Spa)

13:30 – 15:00 -Co-Creation and the Public Role of Liberal Arts:  Workshop developing a single piece of digital media, and an associated description or reflection, intended to make their research accessible to public audiences and highlight an important social issue – Anthony Head and Leila Sujir

For more information check out the link below:




Maria Lantin | I Am Afraid | TEDxECUAD Presentation

Maria Lantin was invited to present, I AM AFRAID, during the TEDxECUAD: Bringing the Gap conference on March 25, 2017 at the Emily Carr University of Art + Design, in Vancouver, BC.

TEDxECUAD’s mission is to bring together a dynamic group of thinkers and doers in a provocative setting that builds new connections to lead to progress and collaboration, and take participants to a next level of thought and action. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TED Talks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection.

Maria Lantin
Granted her PhD in Computer Science by Simon Fraser University, Maria Lantin’s doctoral focus was biological visualization, particularly the development of plants at the cellular level. Her research led to the production of an extensive software project used by biologists to conduct virtual experiments with results published in Annals of Botany. Maria later served as assistant professor at TechBC, senior researcher at Mainframe Entertainment developing 3D-stereo projection software for IMAX screens, and research director at award winning IDELIX Software Inc., one of the few successful visualization companies. Lantin led Banff Centre’s Visualization Lab for 3 years and now directs Intersections Digital Studio where she helps create an inspiring and welcoming environment for interdisciplinary research at Emily Carr University of Art + Design. She also continues her collaborative visualization practice in the domains of quantum information science, human conversation and virtual reality.


Presentation at Besides the Screen conference, Coventry, UK

Anthony Head and Leila Sujir presented their research on Elastic Space at the 2017 Besides the Screen conference at Coventry University in July 20-22nd. The conference was a mix of film studies, philosophy and art practice and participants were able to experience the Leila and Anthony’s presentation with 3D anaglyph glasses. The presentation included a number of projects including Elastic City Spacey (Sujir 2015), Tulipmania (Sujir 2005) and iMigration (Head 2016).

Leila Sujir also discussed her recent visit to British Columbia, CA, filming in ancient forests for a new project. It was interesting to discover how other presentations also shared Elastic Space themes, including migration, projection and old technologies.

Besides the Screen is an AHRC International Networks funded event.


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